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avast! Pro Antivirus avast! Pro Antivirus 5.0.545 Добавить файл в избранное

Категория: Программы
Каталог - Программы - S - SE
 Имя файла: setup_av_pro.exe Найти похожие »
 Размер: 122 469 520 байт (116.80 MБ)
 Добавлен: 20/01/2010 | Закачан: 06/06/2020
 Обновился: 07/02/2013
 8 745 всего закачек »
Посмотреть скриншот avast! Pro Antivirusavast! Pro Antivirus 5.0 is for people and companies that want a customized computer security package. Antivirus and internet protection components in avast! Pro Antivirus are built for easy integration with existing firewalls in users home or work computers.

Pro Antivirus has two major additions to the core protection elements in avast! Free Antivirus: the Script Engine and the Sandbox.

The Script Shield and its script detection engine stop malware at the point of entry- web browsing activities. Around 80 percent of new infections are caught through internet browsing. The Script Shield watches scripts executed in the operating system and scans scripts (both remote and local) run as a part of a web page.

The Sandbox lets users test suspect files in a safe virtual environment and insulates the real computer from damage caused by active malware.

These features complement the increased efficiency of the new avast antivirus and antispyware engine. Memory requirements for the engine have been cut in half and scanning is 40 percent faster, saving both time and computer resources. Complete rootkit protection includes real-time detection to ward off initial installation, on-demand scanning and boot-time scans.

The user friendly 5.0 has a new interface with easy-to-adjust settings, a context-sensitive help menu and graphs showing ongoing protection activities. Users can set the time and conditions for complete scans, with avast even waking up their computer from hibernation for midnight scans before putting it back to bed.

The two major pathways for malware into a computer are the web and email. avast! provides separate defensive strategies for each.
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Изменения в последней версии:
New! Graphical user interface, New! avast! Sandbox, Improved! Antivirus and anti-spyware engine, New! Real time anti-rootkit protection, New! Behavior Shield, New! Wake-up for scan, Improved! File System Shield, New! Optimized for Intel’s new Core i7 chip, Improved! Script Shield, New! Gaming Mode

Материалы по теме:
avast! 6.0 (1367)
avast! 6.0.1289
avast! 6.0.1203
avast! 6.0.1125
avast! 6.0.1091
avast! 5.1 (889)
avast! 5.1 (864)

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Кладоискатели. Золотой остров. Коллекционное издание -50%
Кладоискатели. Золотой остров. Коллекционное издание -50%Волею судьбы вы оказались на диком тропическом острове и познакомились там с племенем атлантов, родина которых из-за темного жреца была потеряна ими навсегда. Есть ли у вас шанс вернуть Атлантиду? Местные жители верят, что да! Выбирайте комфортный режим: "Обычный" или "Легкий" - и приступайте к игре! Вас ждут более 40 увлекательных уровней, веселый сюжет и яркие персонажи. Все успехи будут непременно отмечены наградами. ЗакачатьЗакачать
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